Note : Any Service on our panel ,no stable guarantee ( If we don't mention stable )and for YouTube no video safe guarantee.You take service at your own guarantee.How ever we provide Refill service sometime.If any service mention for refill then we can refill order till 30 days from order date
How to place new order:
in the field Type — select the type of services from the drop-down list.
in the field Link — fill the link to the page in the format.
in the field Quantity — fill the needed quantity of likes/followers (1k is written as 1000).
How to fill the field Link depending on the type of service:
What is Partially completed status:
If status Partially completed it means system cant give more likes/followers to current page and money automatically refunded for remains likes/followers.
Refund :
If any user add fund on panel,they are not able get refund or back their fund to PayPal.You have to use this fund to order our panel.